Friday, April 29, 2011

A long night

I am on my PC pretending to write something important because I'm waiting for my husband to fall asleep. I know that he's in the mood and I'm just not. I'm so sleepy but I can't go to bed until he's completely out or I'll have to pretend that my belly hurts or something. I'm supposed to be all about inspiration and motivation--well where the heck is my motivation now. Well I guess I should pray that he's asleep by time I go in. Time for some positive thoughts. When it emerges itself from beyond the darkness of the covers and I catch a glimpse of it by the flicker of light from the television. There it sit statuese and strong longing to be held and caressed. Wanting to explore the part of me that only he was created to explore. I am drawn to it like a moth to a flame. My body suddenly giddy with excitement. I long to be near it. I imagine the gratification from penetration. The warm sensation and jubilation when my body spill forth...
Oh Hell I'm going in. That's enough motivation for me. Hope he's ready for this.
A little Love is good for the soul

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Follow God's Plan
Pray without ceasing
Keep stepping forward. Soon you will find yourself right where you need to be.

Life at different intervals can be somewhat complicated. Just don't give up!

The seed has been planted

God has plowed the field

Jesus has tilled

And the holy spirit will keep you through sunshine and rain

Giving up is Not an option

Thursday, April 21, 2011

MY PLEDGE - Video poem by Loretta from the book Love Letters

This poem is a great expression of love between two poeple who are devoted and committed to each other.
I wrote this poem to my husband. It was our wedding march song. The images are of my son, who is working on his music career, and his fiance.
Continue to Love because God is Love.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


There are many formulas for or keys to success. However, the formula often times depends on the area in which you are attempting to become successful.

How is success measured?
Success is measured on different levels by different people or groups.

What is success?
Success is the achievement of something desired, planned or attempted. It is also the favorable outcome of something attempted.

What are the keys to success?
*Positive Thinking
*Setting Goals
*Follow Through
These six keys to success work in every aspect of success building. To be successful in anything you must first get your thought process in order. Positive thinking encourages positive results. Thought is any mental or intellectual activity involving an individual's subjective consciousness. It can refer to the act of thinking or the resulting ideas or arrangement of ideas. Next you must have faith in yourself and believe in your capabilities. Faith is a strong unshaken belief in something, belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of someone or something. Limit beliefs that might cause one to sabotage one's efforts. To be successful you must be driven. Drive is to supply the motive force or power to and cause action, and to carry through vigorously. You must also be determined. Determination is a fixed movement or tendency toward an object or end. Determination means that the decision has been reached to be successful. Another important key for success is setting goals.A goal is a desired result. Setting goals is like your blue prints to success.  Lastly and most importantly you must follow through. You will never reach any goal if you fail to follow through.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today we need to pray for our children. Not just our children but for our family's children, our friend's children, our neighbors children, children in the schools, children on the streets and children all over the world. Our children are under attack by the enemy and we are standing by and watching as he steals, kills and destroys them. Why are we just standing by? Why aren't we fighting for our children?

Now is the time to do something. The most effective thing that we can all do is P-R-A-Y for these babies. They need us to intercede for them. They need it right now! We need to pray that the word is a lamp unto their feet, and a light unto their path (psalm 119:105). You see... the enemy is seeking whom he will devour (1peter 5:8), and he has his sights set on our children.

There is Power in Prayer.
The bible says that the prayers of the righteous avails much, so will the righteous among us fall on your faces in unified prayer for God's saving grace? Call these children by name and lift them up into the presence of God. Pray for his healing power, his grace, and his mercy upon their heads. Pray that these children be shielded and protected. Pray for his everlasting arms to be wrapped all around them. Pray for our savior to rock them in his busem. Pray that their steps be ordered through his word. Pray that fire will rain down from heaven filling each and everyone of our children with the Holy Spirit. Pray for their salvation. Pray that they will except Christ as their personal Savior. Pray for repentance.

Jesus said I come so that you might have life(John 10:10).
I come today to ask that we come together in prayer so that our children's lives might be saved. I believe that through our prayers, our children can be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season: his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he do shall prosper (psalm 1:3). Once our children are covered thru prayer, when the enemy attacks we can rest assure that they will not be moved.

Jesus said, "Suffer the little children, and forbid them not to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven"(Mathew 19:14).

I want my children to be saved. I am on my knees right now.
Will you join me?
Our children need us.

Forever Mine Film teaser