Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Scritpting for Success

Ruth Anne Wood joins the Inspiration by Loretta Show to share with our listeners her unique profession. She will teach us how to write a script for our lives which will enable us to focus on what works to help build success. Participate in a short scripting session on by calling 626-657-2134 or follow the link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/lorettagreenwarren/2012/08/03/scripting-you-success-with-ruth-anne-wood
Find out more about Ruth Anne Wood at www.liveyourpeace.com

Ruth Anne Wood who has a 100% success rate helping her paid clients live their prewritten success stories is offering a free gift to the listeners of the Inspiration by Loretta Radio Show. Go to www.scriptingforsuccess.com/inspirationbyloretta

Ruth helps clients get clarity on what they desire and use the power of story to:
-Filter out time, money and energy draining distractions
-Know that you are in the right place at the right time
-Have inspiring experiences
-Resolve conflicts with yourself and others
-Attract what you want with little money
-Organize relationships in a way that supports your dreams

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Discipline or Child Abuse? 07/18 by LorettaGreen Warren | Blog Talk Radio

Discipline or Child Abuse? 07/18 by LorettaGreen Warren | Blog Talk Radio

Is discipline just child abuse? Can you effectively discipline a child without resorting to spankings? What methods of discipline do children respond best to?

Tune in to The Inspiration by Loretta Show to discuss this topic. Call 626-657-2134 or follow the link. Please post your comments below.

Forever Mine Film teaser