Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why Say I Do?

I have found that poeple say "I Do" for many different reasons; likewise, there are also many reasons why people say "I Don't".
I believe that there is only one valid reason why anyone should say "I Do".
It is the only reason that truely makes any sense and is the one true reason any marital relationship will have any chance of lasting.

People marry for money, because of lonliness, social statis, to escape from someone or something, pregnancy, to be happy or even to prove a point. All of these are the wrong reasons to say
"I Do". These are the things that lead to the 4 What the F... in marriage.
1. Finance
2. Fighting
3. Fear
4. Fidelity

When you say "I Do" for the right reasons things like commitment, partnership, trust, loyalty, fidelity, fear, and finance are not the focus and can be overcome. Marriage is somewhat of a business because it is a partnership. It is where two parties enter into an agreement to love, honor, respect and protect one another till death we part. But all to often this partnership is built under false pretense which leads to a broken covenant.

The only way to avoid all the don't in a marriage is to enter into it for the best reason.
Say I Do because you want a lifetime companion, security, to build a family, the desire to share your life with another, because you are willing to forfill the needs and dreams of another.
Say I Do for the best possible reason,
 because you are in Love.

click on this link for a show on this topic:
I married soley for loves sake and I'd do it all over again. It was truely the best reason.

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