Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lies I tell my husband

Over the years I have told my dear husband, well.... many lies. The best part about that is that he doesn't know it. He practically believes just about everything I tell him. After all, why would  a woman lie to her husband.
Well, there are many reasons. Know I'm not talking about hurtful, deceitful, painful lies. No! I'm talking about little white lies. The kind that most of you women reading this have also told your husbands. Oh, don't tell me that you are one of those perfect wives who have never told even a tiny little lie..... yeah right! Any way, here is one of the biggest lies that I have told my husband
"You were my first"
Do you think he believed that one? Keep in mind that I had kids when we met.
* Another lie:
"You are the best lover I ever had"
I do love him best of all so.... this may not be that big of a lie.
* Here is a hard lie to tell:
"You are the biggest I ever had"
Well, that one might actually be true. He is a black man... I'm just saying. When I go back and compare notes and pictures (yes, I have pictures. Don't you?) it's kind of hard to determine in one or two cases. Not that I had a lot to compare him with.
* Another lie:
"I love your mother"
I don't call her, I don't visit, I don't buy her gift on her birthday, Mother's day or Christmas, I avoid all contact but I love her.... really.
"I love your kids"
What I really love is the fact that they don't live with us.
"I absolutely love the present you bought me"
I will love it more when I take it back and get what I really want.
*Dangerous lie:
"I would never think of your best friend in that way"
I mean... Your friend is handsome, sexy, tall, and muscular. Not to mention I was initially attracted to him instead of you, but you know, why would I think of him in that way. I love you.
* Get out of sex free lie:
"My stomach hurt"
"My head hurt"
"I tired, rough day at work"
" I got my period" with this lie sometimes it takes some convincing. For instance, a few times I had to put hot sauce on a tampon (ketchup doesn't absorb as well on the tampon) and plant it in the trash in plain view, then insert one just for effects so that he would adhere to the red light. I know, a little extreme but it works. You're telling me you've never done that.
*Another lie:
"Oh I don't mind kissing you before you brush away your morning breathe"
OMG... some lies can kill you. A man's morning breathe aint no joke especially depending on what he did the night before.
*The usual lie:
"Yes, I already came"
I really didn't but it would be too much work to get him going again so I just... lie.
*More lies:
"Sex last night was great"
Even though I didn't come nor did we cuddle after nor did you stay awake long enough to listen to what I had to say. So... yeah it was great
"I don't mind you having female friends"
Just as long as he has a penis hanging between his legs that is not attached to you.
"I don't have any money"
Except the couple hundreds I have stashed in a secret bank account that you don't know about.
* Lies without purpose
"I forgot"
I forgot to pay the electric bill. I couldn't pass up buying the shoes I have hidden in the closet, that I bought with the electric bill money.
I forgot you said you were coming home early. I got so busy on facebook that I didn't get a chance to cook dinner.
I forgot to buy groceries. My girl friends and I went out to lunch and I spent the grocery money on...lunch.
I forgot to pay the car insurance. That's why you got a ticket and the car got towed. Sorry.
I forgot you said you wanted to make love. I would never have pretended to fall asleep on the couche reading the bible.

I know what you're thinking. Does she ever tell him the truth? The answer is YES. I always tell him how much I love him. I always tell him how much I appreciate him. I always tell him how much I need him. These things are all TRUE. You have to love a man who would put up with someone like me. The only reason I lie to him is because... I love him. Honest...I do.

Leave me a comment about some of the lies you tell your husband or your man.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Angels are watching

Help is always near
Ears are always open to hear
Call on me and I'll be there
My heart will always care
I have lots of love to share

Monday, December 19, 2011


Let's make the world a better place by Loving more, Laughing more and Living more in Joy.
From my heart to yours.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Journey through the healing process

Joan VanEyll brings many years of personal and professional experience to her work as a mentoring consultant through her personal development company, Hearts of Healing. Her work facilitates an integrative healing process that allows individuals to discover their own power and potential, reclaim their unique voice and fully realize the personal and professional life of happiness she believes we each deserve. She's an ordained Minister of Peace with the vision of assisting others in finding their purpose in life. Joan is the co-founder of F.A.C.E (Families Advocating for change in Education), she is active in many Minnesota organizations, and is the author of The Forgotten Child - a memoir of her own personal experiences. Join us on Friday December 16, 2011 at 6:30pm to hear Joan's story. Follow the link below:  or call 626-657-2134.

for more about Joan VanEyll

Monday, December 12, 2011

Wisdom Filled Living with Theodore Henderson

Theodore Henderson is the author of both the best selling book "The Wisdom Compass: Your 31Day Journey to Wisdom Filled Living" and the audio series "The Intelligent Career Manager". He is also a professional speaker and trainer. Theodore's career spans over twenty years. He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance and Information Systems. Mr. Henderson joins the Inspiration by Loretta Show today, December 12, 2011, to share his vast knowledge and passion.

Join us live at 6:30pm est or call 626-657-2134
For more about Theodore or his books or

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cancer - Nancy Beckerman's story

Author, mother, teacher, artist, care giver and medical office manager - Nancy Greyson Beckerman shares her story of dealing with her husband of 33 years being diagnosed with cancer. Her book Out of Time: One Couple's Journey Through Cancer is a real look into her husband's life after being diagnosed with a deadly form of cancer. Nancy will talk about her journey Wednesday December 7, 2011 at 6:30pm est on The Inspiration by Loretta Radio Show. Join us live or in the chat room

call to share your story 626-657-2134.
Learn  more about Nancy and her book

Monday, December 5, 2011

Seven Step to creating Intentions with Elena Jones

Author, Life Coach, Internationally renowned Psychic Medium and ordained Minister, Elena Jones joins The Inspiration by Loretta Show to share Seven Simple Steps to Creating my Intentions. Elena had dedicated her life to service and bringing positive levels of healing and unconditional love to her clients. She has served three years in the United States Air Force, is a Reiki Master Healer, a Spiritual Life Coach,  a Motivational Speaker and a Spiritual Counselor. Elena is the creator of Alma Quest, owner of Elena Jones production, a wedding and event planning company. She believes that everyone has the power to manifest their life to their full potential.

Join us Monday December 5, 2011 at from 6:30pm to 7:30pm est. or call 626-657-2134 with your questions or comment

If you miss the live show, follow the link above to listen to the archived show.
Find out more about Elena at

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Looking Forward to 2012 with Ashley Hill

Joining the Inspiration by Loretta Show on Friday December 2, 2011 @ 6:30pm est. Ashley is the owner of CollegePrep Ready who brings a unique approach to assisting future college students with proven strategies to get desired results. Ashley is dedicated to developing an individual plan of action for every student and family.
Here is the link to the show:
If you would like to call in with your question or comment call 626-657-2134 during the live show. If you miss it click on the link provided above to listen to the archived show.

Forever Mine Film teaser