So, my 11years old calls another
student a pussy. He yanks a pillow
from behind a kids head while he was in the reading corner reading a book
causing the child’s head to hit the wall. When the boy goes to tell the teacher
about the incident, my son calls him a p****. My son swears that he called the
kid a punk but the teacher swore she hear p****.
What does a
parent do when their child’s principle calls them up and says “I regret to
inform you that your son is being suspended from school for calling another
student a p****. My first reaction was “what the f***”. “I’m going to whip his a**”, but I’m a Christian
and I didn’t want the school to think that he got that language from me. So
instead I maintained my cool, apologized for my kid’s behavior, thanked the
administrator for informing me then assured her that I would get to the bottom of the issue.
Where did he
get that language from? Who talks like that? Who does he think he is? A child
of mine, behaving that way? Not possible! Oh… did I forget to mention that on
Sunday he told my mother that she made him sick because she wouldn’t give him
some cookies. Oh…and he was extremely disrespectful to his step dad and even
tried to fight him. So what is a parent to do when they have a defiant
disrespectful eleven year old? The law says that you can’t whip him, the doctor
says that there is nothing wrong with him, and I personally think that a demon
has possessed him because none of my other children behave this way.
I don’t use
profanity (much) around him, I’ve never used the P-word in the presence of my
kids, and I monitor what he watches on television, so where is this coming
from. For some reason my son does not respect authority. He does not like to be
told what to do or being yelled at. Who does he think he is? He has even gone
as far as telling me – the women who gave birth to him, carried him for nine
months, raised him – to P-L-E-A-S-E get out of his face. That’s right, he said
please. Yes, I almost caught a charge. Yes, he is still alive by God’s grace
and mercy alone.
My eleven
year old son is so defiant and disrespectful. I feel like the only option I
really have at this point is to PRAY.
Loretta M. Green-Warren©
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