Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fitness with The Fat Chick 04/18 by LorettaGreen Warren | Blog Talk Radio

Fitness with The Fat Chick 04/18 by LorettaGreen Warren | Blog Talk Radio

Jeanette DePatie is a certified fitness instructor who has helped hundreds of people of all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities learn to love exercise and their bodies again. She also helps them to find the fun in fitness and experience the joy of regular exercise.
Jeanette is also known as "The Fat Chick". She is the fitness instructor who teaches people to love the skin they are in. The Fat Chick is not your average instructor. She is not a size 2 but she has a heart for helping and is a prime example of believing in yourself and your abilities. She is a great source of motivation for people who are not what society thinks is "ideal" for specific positions. Jeanette shows us that you can be what ever you want to be and do what ever you believe you can and never let anything or anyone stand in your way. Not even you.
Jeanette has produced a fitness DVD and has recently released her first book "The Fat Chick Works Out".

Find out more about her at

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