Thursday, April 12, 2012

Freedom "A State of Mind"

How many of you know that freedom is a state of mind? How many of you know that sometimes we are locked away because of our way of thinking? How many of you know that your freedom depends on how you view things?

This morning like any other morning I put my Chihuahua pups outside for some fresh air. The older pup who is a female was excited about being released from her crate (prison), so as soon as I put the crate down and released the lock she sprang from her crate. The younger male, on the other hand, wanted to be free but didn't seem to grasp how to be free. I set his crate (prison) down, released the lock and walked away. The male pup just sat there as if he was waiting for something. He watched as the female ran around playfully enjoying her freedom which cause him to crave freedom even more. Little did he know that he was already free. He would put his nose by the door and smell his freedom but he wouldn't walk through.

For about an hour the male pup sat in his crate barking and crying because he wanted out. The female would walk over to him as if she was asking, "why are you still sitting in there?" Yet still he sat there moaning and scratching at the walls and putting his nose by the door but wouldn't come out.

As a stood there and watched this, I realized that people have this same type of caged animal mentality. Humans also fail to realize that freedom is a state of mind. So many times we remain in situations that God has already given us a way out of, but we choose to stay in that place and moan, cry and complain. Once we begin to realize that the way is already made for us and all we have to do is walk through, it is then that we are finally free. Freedom is a state of mind. We get so focused on where we are, rather than putting the focus on where we want to be.

Like my little male Chihuahua, many humans have been made free, they just haven't realized it. We spend so much time sitting back watching others live the life we want, do all the things we wish we could, be all of what we hope we could be; when all the while, all we have to do is walk through. The door is already open. Now, the only thing keeping you from being free is YOU! Our way of thinking shapes our being. God promised that he would make a way out of no way. But, even when he does this for some of us we still just sit there. I took the lock off for my male Chihuahua but I guess he wanted me to hold the door open so that he can clearly see his way out. Human are also this way. They don't want to make any moves on their own, they want every step of the way to be made clear for them. God promises that for every step we take he'll take two. Unfortunately, some of us don't want to take any steps, we want God to make them all. This is why we stay caged.

We you see yourself as "free" then you will become free. When think like someone who is "free" then you are free.  When you do as someone who is "free" then you will always be free.

Loretta M. Green-Warren

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